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Improvement of safetySharing of working environmentEnhanced work efficiencyCloud utilizationIoT utilization

Data Science

Safety Monitoring System

Secures the safety of the working environment by identifying
the locations of workers at various places in the plant site.

Solution Point

  • Facilitate worksite location management of workers at a large plant site in manufacturing industries.
  • Share information on the working environment of workers (gas concentration, etc.)
  • Enable easy recognition of the positions and movements of workers.
  • Allow managers to recognize worker proximity to heavy machinery and issue alerts to workers.
  • Enable repeated danger prediction (confirmation of safety) remotely when work changes, etc. occur.

Features 01

Expected Problems
?Monitoring of oxygen-deprivation by gas: Does action depend on the judgment of workers by themselves (because only workers know the concentration)?
?Heavy machinery proximity monitoring: Are you worried that workers may be involved in accidents because they can't judge their proximity to machinery by visual checks alone?
?Site Danger Prediction (KY): Are there situations where worksite personnel carry out work but potential danger cannot be checked because the supervisor isn't at the site?
?Position and movement: Does it take time to appropriately reassign workers because you can't know the current position of each worker without contacting the persons themselves?

Features 02

Technology highlight
Point01 The supervisor in the office monitors following information, and issues alerts and shares information as necessary (machinery proximity alerts, information sharing on areas with high gas concentrations, etc.)
Point02 Each worker carries a smartphone while working, and position information acquired by GPS is stored in a cloud server.
Point03 GPS sensors are installed on heavy machinery at worksites, and their position information is stored in the cloud server
Point04 Gas detector information is transmitted by the Bluetooth function of workers' smartphones and stored in the cloud server.
Point05 When Danger Prediction (KY) must be performed again due to work changes, but the supervisor is not at the worksite, the supervisor can check the conditions remotely and give workers the necessary instructions. Updating is done while sharing the initial KY study materials.
Point06 A gas monitor with Bluetooth connectivity was developed for this system.
Safety Monitoring System

Features 03

Proposed Solutions (Examples)
?The system (tracking system using GPS function) used as the base is introduced after adding the necessary functions to the system.
?The necessary items are selected by the customer (e.g., gas monitor, machinery proximity, re-verification of Danger Prediction).
?新澳门六合彩投注 Steel can introduce Bluetooth-capable gas monitors to the customer.
?GPS can be installed on forklifts and other work vehicles to monitor possible interference with workers.

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